Mark my words: The government's speedy trajectory of implementing a nationalized health care system while ignoring the flashing red lights and warnings signs, will cut lives short.
Our failure to adequately study the negative effects of other westernized countries' nationalized health care systems, will put us on a path of destruction. Sure we can all agree on some key benefits of a nationalized system such as reduced costs and less uninsured Americans.
However, we can not turn a blind eye to the grave disadvantages of this type of system, which will severely inhibit timely access to treatment (if any treatment is received at all) - often with disastrous results..... death.
In today's, WSJ, Canadian native, David Gratzer, explicitly discusses the significant downsides of nationalized health care (a.k.a ObamaCare). An example of its incompetency:
Sylvia de Vries, an Ontario woman, had a 40-pound fluid-filled tumor removed from her abdomen by an American surgeon in 2006. Her Michigan doctor estimated that she was within weeks of dying, but she was still on a wait list for a Canadian specialist.
If this doesn't make you think twice about ObamaCare, nothing will. Stories, such as the one above, have plagued Westernized countries such as Canada and England for many years.
What is the result? Both countries are now shifting from a nationalized program to a privatized one as a result of substandard, untimely care, resulting in lower life expectancy and increased mortality.
So, why is the U.S. embracing a nationalized health care system that has been shown to fail in practice?
Sprinkle it with Hope and ask Obama.
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